Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Natural Healing article

Hulled Hemp SeedsCooking and Un-Cooking

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:02:41 EDT
The kale was even better than usual, thanks to the creamy smokiness of the dressing - and where have hemp seeds been all my life? ... mall tomato for each of our salads)1/2 cup hulled hemp seedsFor the dressing:1 avocado1 chipotle peppers (or, if these aren't available, use a combination of cumin, c...This time, I went to the extra trouble of adding hulled hemp seeds to the kale and preparing the avocado chipotle dressing the recipe calls for....


A blog about Black Cohosh Powder

Natural Remedies for Treating Arthritis - Natural

Fri, 18 Apr 2008 07:27:19 GMT


Natural Remedies for Treating Arthritis
Natural, AZ - Apr 18, 2008
Mix equal parts of the following herbs: black cohosh, genitian root, angelica, colombo, scull cap, valerian, rue and buckthorn bark, and take one heaping ...

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Holistic Remedies article

Natural Herbal Health ProductsHelping Heroes Hear Clear - Market Wire (press release)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:31:18 GMT

Helping Heroes Hear Clear
Market Wire (press release) - Apr 23, 2008
Clear Products, Inc. TM , a leading Homeopathic/Herbal Company, Offers Relief to Returning Veterans and Americans Suffering From Tinnitus SAN DIEGO, ...

Helping Heroes Hear Clear - Market Wire (press release)

Thu, 24 Apr 2008 02:31:18 GMT

Helping Heroes Hear Clear
Market Wire (press release) - Apr 23, 2008
Clear Products, Inc. TM , a leading Homeopathic/Herbal Company, Offers Relief to Returning Veterans and Americans Suffering From Tinnitus SAN DIEGO, ...


Monday, April 28, 2008

Nutrition discussion

MilkThistle TopicsNaturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass

HH is characterized by excessive absorption of dietary iron and a consequent progressive increase in total body iron stores. Iron accumulates in the parenchymal cells of the liver, the heart, pancreas, anterior pituitary and skin. This accumulation of iron in body tissues causes disease.
Visit this site for more Info on...
Naturally Green Blog - Wheatgrass


Among nature�s components which help out in hair loss treatments are the aloe vera, jojoba, henna, capsicum, lemongrass, and Dong Quai. What are these? What good do they bring as hair loss treatments?
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG

Lastly, water is important to all animals. Most dog�s bodies consist of about two thirds water. All dogs lose water from their body through sweating, panting, and elimination. This must be replaces so you should make sure that fresh water is always available. A healthy dog should take in � to � fluid ounces per pound of body weight per day.

Randy Jones and his partner Brent Jones have been in the pet industry for a long time. Recently they formed On the site, customers can shop for the latest dog collars, dog clothes, pet supplies and more. Check them out at
View this site for more News on...
Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG


Health article

390 jobs could go in pudding factory closure - Guardian Unlimited

Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:36:00 GMT
A maker of trifles and chocolate puddings for supermarkets said today it planned to close a factory with the potential loss of up to 390 jobs. Convenience foods group Uniq has ...

Frozen Wheatgrass Juice
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Great Holistic Remedies Resources.

Reviews of Astragalus RootImmune System

Stomach, sleep and skin problems may occur at level of over 1000 mcg per day and seizures can rarely occur. For the most part folic acid toxicity is very infrequent since folates or vitamin B9 is water soluble. As such most excessive dosages are simply excreted in the urine.
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Immune System

Immune System

Collard Greens Limes Pumpkin Seeds Flax Seed Oil MEATS Ice Cream Rye Aspartame
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Immune System

Superfood Testimonials

Low levels of vitamin C have led to less structural strength within the male sex organs. When vitamin C levels are replenished the tubes and organs needed for optimal fertility in the man are healthier and function more efficiently.

As you can see, vitamin C is vitally important for a man to be fertile. In addition to its specific benefits towards fertility, the vitamin is essential for overall health. It is found in many fruits and vegetables. However experts have found surprisingly low levels of vitamin C in sources where it has been thought to be abundant � such as oranges. They suggest that depleted soil may lead to this.
View this websit fo...
Superfood Testimonials


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wheatgrass Growing Kits for nutrition

Wheatgrass Growing KitsWheatgrass growing kits , grown wheatgrass and sprouters ....

Mon, 04 Feb 2008 00:00:00 EDT
Wheatgrass growing kits, grown wheatgrass and sprouters procurable from not burdensome Green ....

Starts Monday - Group Green Cleanse!

Sat, 13 Oct 2007 06:58:00 EDT
We know the Roman naturalist Plinius visited the Essenes two thousand years ago and saw the pots of baby grasses growing in their dwellings which they used for food ( ... He took on the responsibility of building Sprouters and shipping Mist Kits for people to build their own Sprouter globally....

Natural Supplements Info

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 01:50:02 EDT
... comfind something interesting Growing Wheatgrass; Sprouter; Organic Wheat Grass; ... . . . Wheatgrass Seed; Wheatgrass Kits; Sprouts; Wheatgrass JuiceSource: www. utahwheatgrass. comWheatgrass For Life - Wheat....Tue, 05 Feb 2008 00:00:00 EDT Source post: Wheatgrass growing Kits - Wheatgrass Home Growing Kits to get you . . . by Copyright © 2008 Microsoft. All rights reserved....

Wheatgrass Growing KitsProper Diet For Your Parrot

Fresh clean water is a must. How you provide your parrots water is a personal preference. You can provide water in a bowl or a water bottle. It is very important how ever to sterilize any container that you use daily. If you use a bowel make sure that it isn't in a place that can come in contact with feces. Fresh clean water must be provided at all times.

A parrots diet is also a most important key ingredient to a happy healthy bird. First off it is helpful to know when parrots eat in the wild. They forage twice a day for food. In the morning and evening. So plan on two meals for your companion a day. Offering a variety of tastes and textures is a way to avoid boredom and discourage a picky eater. A good pellet diet is a good base to start with. Offer veggies daily morning and evening. Fruit should also be offered. A few treats from the table are also good for his mental health. Parrots need the inter-action from their human flock. Just make sure that the treats from the table are low in salt and sugar. Pellet should be available all the time and seed mix can be offered as a treat.

About the Author

Kimberly Santor is the owner of An animal lover and bird owner I built a business around what I know and love. has a large selection of cages in many colors to choose from.

Our thoughts on Wheatgrass Growing KitsCola Nuts

If you're eating a sandwich � at work, for example � stop working. Each time you take a bite, put down the sandwich. Enjoy your sandwich, every single bite, every single chew, every single swallow!

Remember: There's no rush!

What about your diet?
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Cola Nuts

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Recent information on Carob Powder


Fri, 11 Apr 2008 09:14:44 EDT
4 teaspoon of raw cacao powder or carob powder (or 2 teaspoon of each)...

Dairy Field - new products

Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:00:00 GMT
April 1, 2005 -- Breyers�® CalSmart(TM) Ice Cream Cups Company: Good Humor-Breyers Ice Cream, Green Bay, Wis. Distribution: National. Suggested Retail: $1.09 per...

Not a love affair

Sun, 13 Apr 2008 23:09:36 EDT
So I added about a tablespoon of carob powder, blended it up again, and took another taste. The carob really did the trick....

Tanita Alcohol Sensor
Herbal Tinctures


Monday, April 14, 2008

Recent information on Chinese Goji Berrys

News on Chinese Goji BerrysAnxiety

By shifting the balance of these same eicosanoid enzyme systems, aspirin is also believed to exert its effect as an anticlotting agent in cardiovascular disease. Aspirin is a specific inhibitor (acetylator) of cyclooxygenase which normally is used to convert arachidonic acid into TXA2 and PGE2. Aspirin's inhibition of clot forming TXA2 is several days longer than its effect on anticoagulating and vasodilating PGE2. Thus the net effect is clot inhibition. (Refer to Fig. 19)

[ Comparative Dietary Oil/Fat Composition Image ]
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Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

And get your hands on the op/ed piece called "A Coronary on the Cob" written by Greg Critser, author of Fat Land.

4) LIMIT PACKAGED FOODS and EAT FOOD IN ITS MOST NATURAL STATE Ultimately, food in packages has more chance of having additives and chemicals. Unnecessary ingredients can burden your body and decrease your health. You don't need the chemicals, extra salt, sugar and saturated fat that are prevalent in packaged foods.
View this websit fo...
Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

Chinese Goji BerrysGoji Berries: Mother Nature's Vine Grown Vitamins

Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:52:07 EDT
However, the Chinese Wolfberry is only considered a genetic cousin of Lycium Barbarum and not a true goji berry....The goji berry has been used for hundreds of years as a tonic in Chinese medicine....The term goji berry technically refers to the Tibetan goji berry, also known as Lycium Barbarum (its Latin name). ... Roughly eighty different varieties of lycium berry exist, including the Chinese Wolfberry (often touted by Chinese healers as a cure for male sexual dysfunction)....

Goji Berries: Mother Nature's Vine Grown Vitamins

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:28:30 EDT
However, the Chinese Wolfberry is only considered a genetic cousin of Lycium Barbarum and not a true goji berry....The goji berry has been used for hundreds of years as a tonic in Chinese medicine....The term goji berry technically refers to the Tibetan goji berry, also known as Lycium Barbarum (its Latin name). ... Roughly eighty different varieties of lycium berry exist, including the Chinese Wolfberry (often touted by Chinese healers as a cure for male sexual dysfunction)....

Fast Company - The Superfruits Are Coming

Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 2006 -- Pomelo (pronounced POM-elo) What it is: Chinese citrus Number of new products worldwide *: 46 How it's marketed: As a yup-scale citrus scent. The...

Easy Health Live Enzyme Juicer
Oliva Pure Olive Oil Soap 125g
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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kola Nuts for nutrition

U.S. Newswire - U.S. Census Bureau Daily Feature for March 29

Thu, 29 Mar 2007 07:00:00 GMT
March 29, 2007 -- To: LIFESTYLES EDITORS Contact: Rick Reed of U.S. Census Bureau, +1-301-763-2812, fax, +1-301-457-3670, WASHINGTON, March 29...

The generation game

Thu, 10 Apr 2008 00:00:00 CST
The instrument is treated with great respect -- students at the Bamako conservatoire, where Diabate teaches, have to make a ritual offering of kola nuts "as ...

AFP - In Niger, ethnic jokes keep ethnic tensions down

Sun, 03 Feb 2008 08:00:00 GMT
February 3, 2008 -- NIAMEY (AFP) — In Niger, a centuries-old custom that allows people to make jokes at the expense of their "cousins" from other tribes, far from...

The generation game - Mail & Guardian Online

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 06:26:56 GMT

The generation game
Mail & Guardian Online, South Africa - Apr 10, 2008
The instrument is treated with great respect -- students at the Bamako conservatoire, where Diabate teaches, have to make a ritual offering of kola nuts "as ...

100% Bentonite Clay - 500g
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Recent information on Black Cohosh

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients - Black cohosh: state of the science and art

Mon, 01 May 2006 07:00:00 GMT
May 1, 2006 -- The medicinal use of black cohosh (Actaea racemosa or Cimicifuga racemosa) has a long herbal tradition in North America and Europe. A member of the...

Public sensitization of dangers of black Cohosh that is required, the aystraljani's medical union

Fri, 11 Apr 2008 01:40:05 EDT
“Two revisions of safety have found the black extract cohosh in order to they tolerate well also the unfavourable makes in order to t... ... woman that developed the insufficiency liver and required a transplantation of liver taking the black cohosh....“We recommend that the operation of liver is checked before and at the duration the use of black cohosh....In Australia, more from 200 enumerated medicines that contain the black cohosh they are available without recipe....

Why health food shops can be bad for you

Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
In my local health shop I was advised to take Black Cohosh, too. Is there anything else I can do or take to help with symptoms including acne, hair-thinning ...

Oakland Tribune - Study: Black cohosh a wash for hot flashes

Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:00:00 GMT
December 23, 2006 -- PHILADELPHIA -- A popular herbal treatment called black cohosh is practically ineffective at relieving hot flashes and night sweats in women going...

NutritionLong Term Weight Loss - 8 Tips To keep Weight Off Permanently!

Losing weight is the first part of the battle. The second part is keeping it off permanently.

Many people can knock weight off short term then put it right back on. This article will give you 8 tips to keep the weight off permanently.

Many peoples diets are to strict and they restrict food groups that can be eaten and this lack of choice causes them to give up.

Also, many diets simply don't make you feel healthy and people give up due to lack of energy, nausea etc

Keeping on track for long term weight loss

Lets say you have lost weight and are waning on a diet, here are 8 tips to help you keep the weight off longer term, which can be incorporated into ANY sensible diet.

1. Eat breakfast.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.

Your body has been deprived of nourishment for up to 8 hours; at breakfast you re fuel your body giving you energy that sets you up for the day and curbs hunger pangs later on.

More than 80% of dieters who achieve long term weight loss eat breakfast, so this is very good advice.

2. Eat greens.

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories high in water and fiber, both of which make you feel full for longer.

Aim for five servings a day, this is not as difficult as it sounds, as there are plenty of foods to choose from.

If you are in a hurry, buy green foods supplement and dilute with fruit juice for a quick nourishing snack.

3. Eat naturally

It really is common sense which foods are good and bad for you.

If you eat as naturally as you can and avoid foods with lots of additives and processing you are on the right track for long term weight loss.

4. Don't be too hard on yourself

People who keep weight off have learned to treat themselves and not be too hard on themselves.

Eating a Pizza or burger every now and again, is not going to make you suddenly jump hugely in weight.

A treat such as this 2 or 3 times a week will not harm you at all, so long as you are sensible with the rest of your diet.

The reason many people give up dieting is simply it is to demanding in terms of what they can eat, but the reality is it does not have to be in the first place.

Proper long term weight loss and maintance is exactly that, a long term process.

The occasional treat is essential, so forget about all the foods you can never eat again, you can!

5. Have healthy convenience food

It is to easy with our hectic lifestyles to simply grab burgers, fast food, microwave meals when were in a hurry.

Make sure you have quick healthy foods in the cupboard instead.

For example, tinned fish such as salmon, sardines or Tuna are ideal.

Simply add over a baked potato with some vegetables and you have a quick meal in a matter of minutes.

6. Eat 5 times a day

Eat regular and often, five times a day to prevent insulin spikes and hunger cravings. This way you will always feel full and more energetic.

7. Eat protein and carbohydrate together

Always try and eat carbohydrate and protein together at every meal.

Protein stabilizes insulin levels, which leads to steady energy throughout the day. One more benefit, eating protein has been shown to reduce your appetite.

Protein and carbohydrate work together so should be eaten together for long term health.

8. Drink water

Yes, you have heard it numerous times before:

Drink 2 liters of water per day to help with long term weight loss

Many of our hunger pangs are really thirst pangs so reach for the water first. Also water is essential in the fat buring process so make sure you get plenty each day.

Long term weight loss be realistic and sensible

The above is really common sense and allows you flexibility and choice in your eating habits.

To achieve long term weight loss incorporate the above in your diet and you will find it easier to stick with a diet as well as feeling healthy and more energetic.

For more weight loss tips and diet advice

About the Author

Go to our website for free articles, ezines and newsletters visit:

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Have you heard of Organic Flaxseed Oil

Our thoughts on Organic Flaxseed OilFrozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply

Women have a higher success rate than men, because they have less testosterone and fewer, more evenly dispersed receptor sites in the follicles. In as little as 3 months you can start to notice fuller, thicker hair and even new hair growth.

*Regenerx penetrates the hair shaft, restoring the follicle, resulting in thicker hair.
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Frozen Wheatgrass Juice - 2 Week Supply

Carob Pods


1. Tell your doctor that you are going to begin exercising at a level where you will be breathing vigorously. Ask if, based on your physical condition, you should limit your effort and if so, to what level.
View this site for more News on...
Carob Pods

Friday, April 11, 2008

Have you heard of Raw Food Sellers

Holistic RemedyHerbal Remedies and Vitamins For Menopause - Relief in a Jar

Whether shopping on-line or at your local drug store, you will undoubtedly find a large assortment of herbal remedies (menopause relief in a jar, so to speak), vitamins for menopause and combos that supposedly provide everything that a woman needs for a ?healthy menopause?. The question is which one to choose. Choosing a health supplement of any kind can be difficult.

The Federal Trade Commission advises that while the benefits of some health products are well documented, others have no proven benefits and may even be dangerous. It is the responsibility of the health supplement manufacturers to insure that the products they sell are safe. These are general statements that apply to all health supplements, but apply to herbal remedies, menopause treatments and vitamins for menopause, as well. It is the consumer?s chore to evaluate the effectiveness of these remedies by ?giving them a try? or by researching the product ingredients.

This brings up one way that a consumer can spot a questionable product. Manufactures that are confident in the quality and effectiveness of their products will provide a detailed list of ingredients. The best manufacturers will even provide information supporting the use of the ingredients for any given condition. Manufacturers that make broad, non-specific statements concerning ingredients are either unsure about what the product contains, unsure about the products effectiveness or trying to mislead the consumer by insinuating that the product contains substances that are actually not included.

Let?s look at an example of what to avoid, without giving any brand names. One internet company that sells vitamins for menopause makes this statement, ?formulated to deliver essential vitamins and minerals, as well as menopause discomfort relieving herbs and isoflavones.? Sold under the heading ?herbal remedies menopause?, this product apparently contains no herbs of any kind. The list of ingredients includes a number of vitamins, but no herbs and no isoflavones. Apparently this company is hoping that the consumer will read the description, but not the list of ingredients.

None of this is meant to be discouraging. There are a number of effective herbal remedies; menopause relief (even in a jar!) is available. And, most health care professionals recommend specific vitamins for menopause health, when used in conjunction with a healthy, well-balanced diet and regular exercise. You may wonder why exercise is so important. You may think that if you take a calcium supplement you are protected from osteoporosis (a weakening and thinning of the bones), even if you do not exercise regularly. If you think this way, then you are wrong. Certain activities (or lack of activity, in this case) and substances have a canceling effect on vitamins and minerals. Lack of exercise cancels out the positive benefits of calcium supplementation.

The commonly recommended minerals, dietary supplements and vitamins for menopause or the years leading up to menopause are calcium, vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B-complex, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, potassium, fiber, isoflavones and phytoestrogens.

Isoflavones are actually a well-researched form of phytoestrogens, but are sometimes listed separately. Phytoestrogens are simply plant compounds that have an ?estrogen-like? effect on the body. Lessening levels of estrogen in a woman?s body are believed to cause both PMS and menopause related symptoms. The most common sources of isoflavones are soy and red clover. Soy, as you probably know, is a food. Red clover can usually be found under the heading ?herbal remedies menopause?, except in the case of the product mentioned above.

Dietary guidelines from the USDA recommend that people should get most of their vitamins and minerals from the food that they eat, but that in certain cases supplementation may be necessary. Specifically related to vitamins for menopause are the recommendations that people over the age of 50 should add B-complex and D supplements or foods that are fortified with these vitamins. Vitamin D is necessary for the body to efficiently absorb calcium, as is phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron and vitamin C.

When it comes to other products usually sold in the ?herbal remedies menopause? section of your local drug store, black cohosh will almost certainly be there. It was used historically by Native Americans to correct hormonal imbalances. Scientific studies in the nineties and the following years confirmed that it was a safe and effective alternative to hormone replacement therapy. It is not always promoted or recommended by doctors, partly because the quality of the product that a patient may purchase cannot be controlled, partly because the safety of long term use is unknown, but mostly (I think) because most doctors know very little about herbs and other natural products. Example: An article written by a doctor for a popular medical website states in the first paragraph that isoflavones may be effective for relieving the symptoms of menopause. In the last paragraph she lists a number of herbal remedies, menopause treatments and vitamins that have little evidence to support their use. Among them is red clover, which is one of the best known sources of isoflavones.

There is evidence supporting the use of a number of other natural products and herbal remedies for menopause relief. The evidence supporting the use of the other vitamins for menopause mentioned above is too lengthy to add. This article is already much longer than I had intended. For more information, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.

Patsy Hamilton has more than twenty years experience in health care and currently writes informational articles for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Learn more about menopause and treatment options at

Ecozone Magno Fuel - Save Petrol!


Recent information on Milk Thistle Herb

Milk Thistle HerbBreastfeeding Problems and natural solutions

Mon, 10 Dec 2001 00:00:00 EST

Breastfeeding is the act of naturally feeding an infant with milk produced in the mother's breast. This has unlimited amounts of benefits for the baby not only breast mil...

Breast feeding Problems

Wed, 26 Dec 2001 00:00:00 EST

Breastfeeding is the act of naturally feeding an infant with
milk produced in the mother's breast. This has unlimited amounts
of benefits for the baby not only breast milk...

Natural and Dietary Therapies for Acne

Thu, 28 Jul 2005 00:00:00 EDT
The typical modern medicine answer to outbreaks of acne include antibiotics, drying agents, skin peelers and in some cases a very toxic and strong drug Accutane TM. All of these will normally work fo...

Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 1KG
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Raw Diet Information

Health and WellbeingAir Duct Cleaning - A Healthy Home Improvement

Your air duct system functions as the respiratory system of your home. When it becomes contaminated and congested, it should be cleaned so it can "breathe" normally and efficiently.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, it may be time to have your air ducts cleaned.

-Does anyone in the house have allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems?

-Does anyone in your family suffer from headaches, nasal congestion, or itchy eyes?

-Is there a smoker in the house?

-Do you have dogs, cats or other pets?

-Do you notice "musty" or "stale" odors when the furnace runs?

-Do you notice dust on your furniture shortly after cleaning?

-Does your furnace utilize a standard throw away filter?

Important Facts About Indoor Air Quality And Your Family's Health!

The quality of the air we breathe indoors has become an increasingly important environmental concern. Following are facts that have been determined by recognized authorities in the fields of health and air quality:

-Most people spend 60-90% of their time indoors. (American Lung Association)

-50% of all illnesses are either caused by, or aggravated by, polluted indoor air. (American College of Allergists)

-The levels of some hazardous pollutants in indoor air has been found to be up to 70 times greater than in outdoor air.

-Studies have shown that two out of three indoor air quality problems involve the heating ventilation system.

-One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to fungi and bacteria in air duct systems. (Total Health and Better Health Magazines)

-10-12 million Americans suffer from Asthma (American College of Allergists)

-Children and the elderly are especially affected by polluted indoor air. (Department of Consumer Affairs)

Dust, dirt, pollen, animal dander and other airborne contaminants are pulled into your air duct system every time the furnace runs. These contaminants build up inside the duct work over time and can help make your duct system an ideal breeding ground for mold spores, bacteria, fungus, mildew and other microbes. Each time the furnace is turned on, contaminants are spewed out and circulated throughout your home and affect the health and comfort of your family.

The removal of contaminants from the entire air duct system is recognized by industry experts as the most effective way to eliminate air duct pollutants.

The removal process is something that should never be attempted by the homeowner, as there is a huge risk associated with agitating the dust without completely extracting it. Always hire the services of a qualified air duct cleaning technician for the complete and safe removal of all ventilation system contaminants

About the Author

Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care, an Ottawa Duct Cleaning company, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Healing Info

Our thoughts on Milk Thistle CapsulesL'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Drop Shipping As A Business!

Elaine has been a fan of eBay for a long time and has recently cleaned out her home thanks to them. She sold many of the things that she no longer needed (or wanted) and made a decent amount of money off of it. The process was simple and she enjoyed doing it. It just worked for her. Now, she has nothing more to sell. She has thought about starting to look at garage sales and selling things for friends, but she knows that if she wants to make good money, she'll need to find products to really sell.
Visit this site for more News on...
L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Soapods - A Natural Alternative to Washing Powder.

For example try eating your ice-cream from a rice bowl. A regular serve of ice-cream is about 50g; in a normal size bowl it looks rather small and pitiful. Now put the 50g serve of ice-cream in a small rice bowl and the bowl not only looks full but you don’t feel like you are depriving yourself of the treat. Also, in the case of desserts like ice-cream, try eating it with a teaspoon – it will take you a little longer to eat so you enjoy it more.
Visit this site for more News on...
Soapods - A Natural Alternative to Washing Powder.

Cola Nuts

Neuromuscular therapy is a system of soft tissue massage techniques that were developed in the 1930�s by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. Neuromuscular therapy aims to balance the central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system correct any disorders brought about as a result of any imbalances between the two. Neuromuscular therapy enhances the function of joints and muscles, and speeds healing by facilitating the release endorphins.

How does Neuromuscular Therapy work
View this websit fo...
Cola Nuts


Natural Remedy article

Maca RootNutraceuticals World - Stamina & strength beverage.(Sweet Success Enterprises Inc.)(Brief article)

Wed, 01 Mar 2006 08:00:00 GMT
March 1, 2006 -- Sweet Success Enterprise Inc. (SWTS), San Antonio, TX, has launched a preliminary production run of its juice-based stamina and strength building...

Fuck Viagra, Try Maca

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 00:46:11 EDT
I’ve consumed the lascivious lil root and I’ve seen and felt its effects. ... My advice: Try some organic raw maca and feast your eyes on this… Happy Hard-Ons!...Peruvian maca root: “a legendary sex-enhancing root passed down from the Inca. ” And it works!...

Maca RootSouth Beach Diet Facts

How was the South Beach Diet created?

The South Beach Diet was created by Arthur Agatston, MD, a cardiologist whose motivation was to
improve the cholesterol and insulin levels of patients with heart disease. He was looking for a safe
way for his heart patients to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way. His research at Mount Sinai
Medical Center became the foundation for the diet that has become a phenomenon - especially in
South Florida. He presented his findings at a national meeting of the American College of
Cardiology and the American Heart Association and the word spread quickly. The result-- The South
Beach Diet!

How does the South Beach Diet work?

The South Beach Diet is not a low-carb or low-fat diet. Instead, the South Beach Diet emphasizes
health and weight-loss by changing the balance of the foods you eat. You'll do away with bad carbs
and bad fats, and start eating good fats and good carbs.

During the first two weeks of the South Beach Diet (Phase One), you'll eat normal-size helpings of
lean meat, fish, eggs, reduced-fat cheese, nonfat yogurt, nuts, and plenty of vegetables. You'll have
three balanced meals a day as well as two snacks! You won't be eating any bread, rice, potatoes,
pasta, baked goods, or even fruit. But don't worry, you'll begin adding those things back into your
diet again as the program progresses.

During Phase Two, you'll begin adding some of foods you cut during Phase One. But you'll be
adding them back in a healthy way by eating the right balance of carbs and only adding one
additional carb per week. This will continue until you can eat two-three servings of the right carbs a
day while continuing to lose weight.

Finally, in Phase Three (once you reach your ideal weight), you will be able to add even more foods
back into your diet. When you get to this point, the plan should feel less like a diet and more like a
way of life. You'll be eating normal foods in normal-size portions, just rebalanced to keep your
weight exactly where you want it. We at suggest this diet program and rank it number 5 over all as one of the best weight loss programs.

For more information about the South Beach Diet and other diet programs visit

Talk about your health problems, questions, comments, and concerns at

News on Maca RootOther Herbal Superfoods

One of the main problems that women face is dark circles under their eyes. These dark circles are caused by many factors�some natural ones and some avoidable ones. You need to first analyze the cause of these dark circles so that you can plan the most appropriate and fastest solution. Select well-known brands of cosmetics to minimize side-effects.

Remedies to Treat Your Eyes

There are many solutions to treat dark circles under your eyes. Some of these treatments are temporary, while others are permanent. Choose one that suits your needs. For example, the most common procedure for treating dark circles is application of concealers. The term concealer is self-explanatory. It refers to those products used to conceal facial imperfections.
View this site for more Info on...
Other Herbal Superfoods



Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More Great Holistic Healing Resources.

Holistic HealingHealth Savings Accounts: An Alternative to Traditional Health Insurance?

Copyright 2006 Lisa Ip

If you've been following the news lately, you've probably heard about the contentious issue of Health Savings Accounts, introduced by the Bush administration in 2003 through the Medicare Modernization Act. At that time the concept generated little buzz - only recently has the debate heated up between critics and supporters of the initiative.

A Health Savings Account offers people a second choice when it comes to signing up for health insurance. It's not a replacement for health insurance, but instead, combines aspects of personal savings with the complete coverage offered by a health insurance plan. Many defenders of HSAs believe it offers the best of both worlds so that patients can have more control over their own healthcare needs and save money in the process.

But what exactly does a Health Savings Account entail? Basically, a Health Savings Account is a savings account (set aside for the purpose of paying future medical costs) in conjunction with a high-deductible health insurance policy. If your employer or insurance company offers HSAs, you are given the option to deposit money into the savings account, up to a set amount. The deposit remains tax-free, even when you withdraw, and gains interest over time - just like a traditional savings account. The difference, of course, is that the money must be used to cover medical expenses you incur up to the deductible amount. So if you need to buy prescription eyeglasses, visit the doctor, or take an eye exam, you would withdraw funds from the HSA in order to pay those bills. HSAs can be used to pay for a wide range of healthcare expenses, not traditionally covered by health insurance.

The good news is that once you reach the deductible amount, your insurance coverage kicks in and you can use that to pay any additional medical bills you are responsible for during the rest of the year. Another positive aspect of a Health Savings Account is the fact that with a high-deductible insurance plan comes low monthly premiums. If you have little to no healthcare costs during the year, you will save a lot of money on premiums alone. At the same time, your savings account will gain interest and roll over to the next year. After several years, even if you need to make withdrawals to pay for certain medical expenses, you should have a significant amount of money set aside for a rainy day.

In addition, once you turn 65, you can withdraw any leftover funds to use for your retirement - and the balance remains tax-free. You can use the money for medical expenses, of course, or for any other expenses you have during your retirement years.

Opponents of HSAs argue that only the healthy and wealthy can afford to take advantage of the opportunities Health Savings Accounts offer to the public, while proponents of the plan believe this type of health insurance has the potential to give the average person more power to make informed healthcare choices. Only time will tell whether or not Health Savings Accounts have the potential to revolutionize healthcare in America.

About the Author

Lisa Ip is president of Uniforce Insurance, which she founded in 1994, in Madison Heights, Michigan. For more information regarding health insurance in Michigan, visit or call 888-302-RATE

Food price inquiry - Cairns Newspapers

Mon, 07 Apr 2008 16:53:55 GMT

Cairns Newspapers

Food price inquiry
Cairns Newspapers, Australia - Apr 7, 2008
ACCC Commissioner Dr Stephen King conducted a session in Cairns last week, as one of 14 hearings across the nation. The Australian Food and Grocery Council, ...

Current Events - Geo quest - home of the hamburger

Fri, 06 Feb 2004 08:00:00 GMT
February 6, 2004 -- Hungry? Chances are you'll reach for a hamburger--it's one of the most popular foods in the United States. It's so popular, in fact, that several...

Tips and Menu Ideas For The Barbecue Grill

Sun, 08 Jul 2007 06:47:32 EDT
If any ladies out there have read my article entitled "Modern Man And The Barbecue Grill" you'll already be on your way to converting your man from the fire pits to the BBQ King with some
Other View: Planting plans can change - Daily Republic

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 05:04:46 GMT

Other View: Planting plans can change
Daily Republic, SD - 15 hours ago
Few stories took an honest look at just how much of a box of cornflakes or a loaf of bread is raw product: corn or wheat. The real cause of food inflation ...

Our thoughts on Raw Food KingNatural Toothbrushes

Some more links to help on your journey to health;
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Natural Toothbrushes

Ethylene Gas Guardian

Spinning is a term for indoor, stationary cycling. Spin bikes have fixed racing handlebars, pedals with shoes straps so that you don't slip, adjustable bike seat and adjustable handle bar crank.
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Ethylene Gas Guardian

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Natural Remedy Info

SUCK UK Glow JarThe Importance of Saying NO - and what it has to do with weight loss

Inspirational writer and teacher Geneen Roth has made career out of offering people - women in particular - an alternative to dieting for natural weight loss. Roth herself struggled with her weight for years. By her own admission, she gained and lost a thousand pounds, over ten years, with yo-yo dieting. She was anorexic and underweight, and a few years later, she was eighty pounds overweight. In her late twenties, Roth decided that dieting never had and never would work for her - in fact, that dieting leads to feelings of deprivation that are anathema to weight loss in the long term. So she went through the ritual of burning all her diet books, and ever since then she has been eating what she wants, and counseling others to do the same. That, she argues, is the best way of breaking free from compulsive eating and all of the weight problems it engenders.

Geneen Roth is also interested in examining the psychological causes behind weight gain. One of them, which applies especially to women, is an inability to say 'no' to things that we don't really want to do. Women, says Roth, are conditioned to be agreeable. We are loathe to decline social invitations, or propositions from men. We take on more work than we should, both at home and in the workplace. And we do it because we have the idea that it's somehow 'not nice' to say no.

One of the reasons why women gain weight, then, is so that the weight gain itself will somehow 'say no' for us. Being overweight or obese is one way to make sure you don't get unwanted advances from men, for example. Being overweight and a woman in today's world is a good way of being invisible - overweight women don't get nearly as much attention when they are out in public, and they are likely to dress in colors that make them look all but invisible. If you find it hard to say no, it's likely that you're letting your weight speak for you.

Why else, Roth argues, would we feel compelled to eat compulsively in a way that is likely to cause weight gain? We engage in behaviors that are adaptive, not maladaptive, as a rule. If being overweight is the way that we have of feeling safe, that's likely what we will do, because everyone needs to feel safe. Putting on pounds is actually a way in which your subconscious tries to take care of you, to meet your needs, to allow you to say no (or take away the necessity).

Unfortunately, gaining a lot of weight, like smoking or drinking, is also a self-destructive behavior. As everyone knows, being very overweight is detrimental to your health. You are more likely to suffer from one of a whole range of health problems if you are overweight. These also extend to psychological problems, because despite what the behavior is saying, no one really wants to be overweight. All of us want, deep down, to be happy and healthy, and to form healthy relationships with a wide variety of people.

So, to stop falling into this trap, learning to say 'no' loud and clear is a great basic tool. Say no to invitations, propositions, pick-ups, and requests - unless, of course, you really want to say yes. Many women feel that they aren't being nice or nurturing by saying no. Actually, saying no can be a great way of nurturing yourself, which is something you need to do in order to really be able to help anyone else. There is an old saying that you can't water a garden with an empty watering can. In order to be of service to others in you your family, or to help out a friend, or serve your community or workplace, you must first of all be willing to take care of yourself. Saying 'no' when you mean 'no' is a great start. It won't solve all your problems, of course, but it's a simple step that takes you closer to caring for yourself.

On a basic level, saying no buys you some time. On a deeper level, it helps you establish a stronger sense of self and a knowledge of what your needs really are. All of these are steps to a healthier outlook, which includes maintaining a healthy weight.

About the Author

As a Teacher of Sport and Physical Education, Tony Robinson has a keen interest in Health and Weight Loss issues.
For handy hints and tips for weight loss visit

SUCK UK Glow JarSlippery Slope Chapter 11-12/36

Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:14:16 EDT
Title: Slippery SlopeChapter: 11-12/36Author: RocketbalmPairing: OB/VMRating: R for languageSummary:

Canned Sun - Sun Jar Product Review

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 16:17:56 EDT
Those days are, more or less, gone by in this country, e. g. the UK, while in places such as the USA canning, in glass jar and tin can, is still very much practices, d ... The Sun Jar is designed by Tobias Wong, and available from Suck UK....

Sun Jar - Cool Solar Light

Wed, 19 Dec 2007 08:33:53 EDT
Each Jar costs £19. 95 from the Gadget Shop ... You can also get light bricks which have a bulb design, here is a pic of a blue glow brick:...

Slippery Slope Chapter 11-12/36

Sat, 19 Jan 2008 10:14:16 EDT
Title: Slippery SlopeChapter: 11-12/36Author: RocketbalmPairing: OB/VMRating: R for languageSummary:

News on SUCK UK Glow JarManuka Honey

Just as fishing is a good time to enjoy your own company, it�s also a good excuse to get together with some mates. You�d be surprised how many new friends you can make as well, especially by visiting the same venue regularly. Competitions are also great fun because you�re pitting your wits against other anglers. There�s obviously an element of luck involved, but it�s also about using your skills and techniques in such a way as the situation demands.

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Manuka Honey


Have you heard of Don Quai Powder

Reviews of Don Quai PowderBentonite

5.) Exercise Regularly - Exercise is key. If a teenager never gets to the gym or goes outside, then the hope in losing weight immediately begins to pale. Without a consistent amount of exercise, excess calories can never be burned. But ultimately, more important than any appearance or expectation, exercising helps maintain a strong and healthy body. A body without any related health issues.
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Sunday, April 6, 2008

Holistic Remedy discussion

Organic Lucuma PowderCACAOOOOOO!!!!!

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:22:00 EDT
... make delicious chocolate shakes and smoothies; grind into a powder and add to tea, coffee and other drinks; ... Excellent with: lucuma, vanilla beans, agave nectar, yacon syrup, coconut oil....

Autumn Yummies

Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:04:57 EDT
(Sure were no organics in my neck of the woods back then!) I can still remember the day I tasted a raw organic carrot for the first time. I haven't looked back since....

Our thoughts on Organic Lucuma PowderOliva Pure Olive Oil Soap 125g

American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities(AAAASF)
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Oliva Pure Olive Oil Soap 125g

Site Map

Make a list for yourself of all the reasons and benefits that you are dieting, this list should be printed out and stuck around the house where you can clearly see it in those times that motivation is lacking. When on a diet everyone will have bad days and these are the times when you need to bring back your focus and instead of worrying about the bad think if all the good and what you have achieved so far. If you do stray then don�t beat yourself up too much but instead get right back on track.
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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Another blog about Bee Pollen Granules


Sun, 02 Mar 2008 03:28:00 EDT
Low sodium Kelp Granules -1⁄4 tsp per day while feasting to supply iodine. ... JUICE with some variation of the additions 3:30 - Bee pollen - 1 Tablespoon per day, maximum....Everyone who is new to bee pollen should start by placing 1 pollen granule under the tongue, to check for an allergic reaction....

Getting Ready for the Feast!

Sun, 23 Mar 2008 20:41:52 EDT
-MSM -Kelp granules -Cascara sagrada -Bee pollen -Green powders -And more....

The latest Informaiton on Health and Nutrition

Bentonite ClayNutritional Benefits of Chromium Nicotinate

Chromium Nicotinate is a mineral that has minimal daily recommended doses. The mineral helps with the controlling of blood glucose levels. The mineral helps to regulate the movement of glucose into and out of the cells. Chromium Nicotinate acts to assist insulin in penetrating the cell membranes. It has been studied as a treatment of Diabetes with good results. Chromium nicotinate can be found in Brewer?s yeast and in calf liver.

Chromium nicotinate can also be found in foods such as brown rice, whole grains, eggs, meat, chicken, dried beans, corn, mushrooms, potatoes, broccoli, fresh fruit, and grape juice. Since it is believed that the benefits of Chromium Nicotinate are at best negligible, and that humans require a minimal amount, consult with your doctor before taking this in larger doses.

Refined sugars and simple carbohydrates take Chromium Nicotinate out of the body. Exercise will increase chromium in human tissues. Since one of the properties does say it increases energy, there will be more energy for exercise.

Symptoms of Chromium nicotinate deficiencies show up in people in the hospital who receive intravenous treatment. Deficiencies can cause blood glucose levels to be out of control and unresponsive. High doses have been reported that the mineral can cause kidney damage, liver damage, and even bone marrow damage.

If you are a diabetic who uses this supplement with success, your diabetic medicine dosage may need to be adjusted, usually that means lowering it. It is highly recommended that you consult with your physician however.

Benefits of Chromium Nicotinate

Chromium nicotinate can also be helpful with weight loss, and some say it helps with body building. It can also help with diabetes and hypoglycemia. The research indicates that science is divided, as to the validity of the claims, regarding chromium products including chromium nicotinate.

Further Benefits Of Chromium Nicotinate

Other benefits include cardiovascular health, because it prevents atherosclerosis. It benefits eyes, especially inflammation of the cornea. Neurological benefits include the synthesis of serotonin. It also may help to prevent acne if taken at 200mcg a day.

It seems that some research indicates that it is beneficial in lowering blood glucose levels, and whether or not it helps with weight loss is a question. Its muscle building properties are also in a bit of a controversy. The research indicates it does both good things and bad things (adverse reactions). Some scientists question the need of chromium products in humans. Consult with your doctor before taking any medication or changing your food plan, just in case there is an adverse relationship between it and any current medication.

John Gibb is the owner of a series of health web sites. Check out the Benefits of Chromium Nicotinate, to view the alternative health supplement we personally use with excellent health results.

Visit: for further information on our product of choice.

Bentonite Clay ReviewsSkin Care

Let that marinate in your brain for a while�then stop on over to for some of the best health and fitness tips you can possibly find. As you should know by now, I�m always here to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Don�t be afraid to ask me for help, it�s time you turn yourself into the person you�ve always wanted to be.

I�ll talk to you soon.
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Skin Care

Bentonite ClayBonny Doon stands alone in listing all ingredients on labels (The Star-Ledger)

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:56:50 GMT
How come wine labels don't tell you the ingredients inside the bottle like food labels do? -- Dorothy, Hillside Part of me wants to ask, Why should they? Isn't wine simply the product of grape juice and yeast?

Sales of Bentonite, Fuller's Earth and Allied Clays to Exceed 164 ... - PR Web (press release)

Mon, 10 Mar 2008 07:05:01 GMT

Sales of Bentonite, Fuller's Earth and Allied Clays to Exceed 164 ...
PR Web (press release), WA - Mar 10, 2008
Clay minerals are broadly classified into two groups, specialty and kaolinitic clays. Specialty clay includes bentonite whereas kaolinitic clays include ...


Wed, 02 Apr 2008 00:00:00 EDT
02 Apr 08 Wednesday


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Friday, April 4, 2008

Glow Jar Reviews and info

Glow JarHow to Choose a Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance is a type of insurance wherein the health insurance company pays the medical costs of the insured if the insured falls sick or meets with an accident. The claim of medical costs is governed by the type of health insurance plan you have purchased. For this the individual has to give monthly premium to the insurance company. In the United States most of the health insurance is provided by the employers be it corporate or government. However the trend is changing and more and more companies are opting out of providing medical coverage to employees due to the exorbitant cost of providing health insurance.

As a result more and more people are being forced to buy an individual health insurance plan or a family health insurance plan. There are literally thousands of health insurance plans available online or through agents or banks. It is easy to get confused if not bewildered by so many plans. However few basic points can help in choosing a health insurance plan to suit your needs and your pocket.

Deductibles: Higher deductibles, lesser premium. Deductible is the amount of bill you pay and the rest of the medical bill is paid by the insurance company.

Length of coverage: Short term coverage costs less and the premium is the cheapest available in the market today.

Doctor access: Most insurance plans provide doctors networks to reduce their cost. If you want your family physician check before hand whether the insurance plan includes your family physician or your preferred hospital.

Type of Coverage: Basic coverage costs less and coves only hospitalization and surgery. Comprehensive is costlier and covers preventive care, prescription drugs, routine medical check ups and the costs covered in basic coverage.

Specialist Visit: insurance plans usually require a general physician to recommend a specialist, rather than going directly to a specialist doctor. If you want that flexibility in your plan, then you have to pay more premiums.

About the Author

We offer the best online health insurance plan guide. Find it only on htp:// All about health insurance on

Our thoughts on Glow JarKelp Powder

Answer: You make time for it.
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Kelp Powder

Tell us your secrets (Times Online)

Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:29:45 GMT
It’s that time of year again: mascara wands at the ready for the style beauty awards 2008 — as voted for by you. Here, Helen Brown invites nominations, and this year, there’s a free £10 product for the first 3,000 to vote

The Return of New Radiant Storm King - The Republican -

Thu, 03 Apr 2008 19:01:21 GMT

The Return of New Radiant Storm King
The Republican -, MA - 9 hours ago
Deliberately throwing a wrench into it, to jar, but not necessarily in the right kind of musical way. But to perfect -- are you asking about this record or ...


Wed, 02 Apr 2008 08:49:00 EDT
The stillness, as a Chinese jar still Moves perpetually in its stillness....

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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Natural Remedy Info

Orange PeelTake Low Cholesterol Diets to Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty lipid, steroid and an alcohol found in the body tissues and blood plasma of vertebrates. It is the cardinal part of the outer membranes of human body cells and it circulates in the blood of humans. Cholesterol in the human body comes from two major sources - diet, and the liver, where it is produced internally.

High cholesterol in the blood is considered to be unhealthy. The cholesterol levels in the bloodstream can influence the pathogenesis of certain conditions, such as the development of atherosclerotic plaque and coronary artery disease. It gets collected on the walls of arteries and interferes with the flow of blood. This buildup of cholesterol in the blood vessels may constrict the passages considerably and inhibit the flow of blood to and from the heart.

Recent researches have revealed that the abundance of protein complexes, called lipoproteins are responsible for the cholesterol build-up in the blood vessels. Elevated levels of bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein or LDL), are responsible for heart disease.

Cholesterol in your diet:

A high cholesterol diet is considered an unwholesome diet. Diets which are rich in animal fats, meat, poultry, fish, oils, egg yolks and dairy products, are a rich source of cholesterol. Organ meats, such as liver, are extremely rich in cholesterol. A diet high in cholesterol is fatal for the heart.

Healthy diets are considered effective to lower cholesterol. A low cholesterol diet contains extremely low or no cholesterol at all. Diets of plant origin are the best low cholesterol diets.

Fat is the major source of energy for the body, but excessive fat in the diet is dangerous. The excess fat raises blood cholesterol levels. It's bad for the circulatory system and causes heart attack or stroke. The amount of fat and cholesterol in a diet should just be according to the daily calories required by the body. Thus a perfectly balanced diet is considered a healthy diet.

A perfect low cholesterol diet has the following features:

* It's low in fat (especially saturated fat).

* It contains low cholesterol.

* It contains low sodium contents.

* It's rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates.

* It's usually a low calorie diet.

Besides taking low cholesterol diets, sugar and alcohol consumption should also be reduced, as they contribute to the high cholesterol level.

Avoid eating at fast food restaurants, because fast foods are usually high in fats and sodium.

Regular exercise can also reduce cholesterol levels.

Recent studies have revealed that certain deep-sea fish -- mackerel, salmon, herring, albacore tuna, and lake trout -- contain an oil called Omega-3 fatty acid that may help to lower blood cholesterol.

About the Author

For further information on how to reduce cholesterol and low cholesterol diet, visit the Health Info website. You are welcome to reprint this article as long as nothing is changed, and this resource box is included with all links made active.

Orange PeelHarvest Dinners! -

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 20:09:29 GMT

Harvest Dinners!, OR - 7 hours ago
Stir the cornstarch, broth, vinegar, orange juice, brown sugar and orange peel into a 2-quart saucepan over high heat. Heat the mixture to a boil. ...

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Lets talk about Goji Berrys online Delivers Dried Goji Berries Known for Promoting ... - FOXBusiness

Wed, 02 Apr 2008 17:32:23 GMT Delivers Dried Goji Berries Known for Promoting ...
FOXBusiness - 9 hours ago now makes these berries available to modern consumers. imports Himalayan Goji Berries for sale to its customers online. ...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Health and Wellbeing discussion

Health and WellbeingWeight Loss Tip #9: Don't be a New Year's Casualty!

I got so caught up in this year's fitness goals that I completely forgot about something that I usually brace myself for this time of year.

But no sooner had I stepped into my gym a week or two ago than I was sharply reminded of it.

Reminded of what?, you may ask.

The New Year's Resolution crowd.

They come every year like snowbirds to Florida; they're so predictable, that I can literally set my watch by them at the stroke of midnight each New Year's Eve.

And they're so easy to tell from everyone else, too. They show up in January in flocks and droves so thick that there is literally a line in front of every piece of equipment at the gym.

Then around mid to late March they start disappearing one by one like game birds being picked off by hunters. By April, they're pretty much all gone.

These seasonal "birds" are the joke of the gym every hunting season.

The question is, will YOU be one of them?

Because you certainly don't have to be. Everyone who's in shape now was once someone who was just getting started or getting back on the horse after "letting themselves go" a bit. So getting a fresh start is nothing to be ashamed about.

In fact, it should be applauded. Getting started new and fresh means that you have stepped up to the plate to do something that so many people at home just are not willing to do for themselves.

The trick is not to let it all end just as quickly as it started.

I'll give you the secret to being the last man or woman standing when everyone else has "flown back north" because they couldn't hack it.

Set your weight loss and fitness goals NOW. Make them as specific as possible. The dress or waist size you want, your perfect weight, the outfit you want to wear, the reaction you want to get. Write it all out.

Studies have shown that written goals are more than twice as likely to become reality than those that are not.

Then when you go in the gym, forget about everybody else. You heard me right---EVERYBODY.

Don't pay any attention to those toned physiques that look like they must have taken years to put together. Pay no mind to the show-off in the corner doing some fancy upside-down exercise with chains, ropes, and 2 machines. They aren't your concern.

Its all about you.

Your body. Your goals. Your workout. Your results.

Go ahead and take that "before" picture. Look at it everyday as you work away from the old and toward the new you.

If you can just make it through the first few months you've greatly increased your chances of being around for the long haul.

Don't cheat yourself by being on of this year's gym casulties.

...And if you can't make it to a gym, that's all the better. Do the YourBestBodyNOW 15 Minute Workout at home and find a place close to home to get in your cardio.

The only thing that can keep you away from your goals is you.

Don't allow that to happen.

Start this year strong and dig as deep as you can to make sure that you keep it up until you get exactly what you want. You can do it, I know you can.

To YourBestBody,

Lawrence Cole

Your Lifestyle and Fitness Coach

Read this Weight Loss Article at

About the Author

Lawrence Cole is a Lifestyle and Fitness Consultant based out of Los Angeles, CA. He has over 10 years of health and fitness experience and designing simple, effective nutritional strategies to help individuals achieve their personal best internal health and physical conditioning.



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mate Updates

MateDiet Problem of the Business Traveler: Staying Fit When on the Run

Despite the fact that accurate nutrition information can be accessed by almost anyone with an Internet connection or a library card, the 21st century has picked up where the last one left off: one dominated by poor eating habits.

The reason for this national dietary deficiency is not due to any single source or kind of nutrition misinformation. Nor can it be said that a lack of interest or effort on the part of health-conscious Americans is to blame. Actually, there are more health-conscious Americans than ever before. The problem of poor eating habits is not a strategic, idealistic, or tactical one it is a logistical dilemma.

Americans of all ages live such busy, fast-paced lifestyles, that eating nutritious meals is seen as something of a luxury to be enjoyed on special occasions or when one rarely has a few hours to prepare a complete meal. Seldom is this healthy eating challenge more pressing, however, than for the typical business traveler[i].

The second biggest source for unhealthy food in the life of a typical business traveler begins at the airport. The vast majority of these hubs of transit activity offer travelers a selection of fast foods or snack foods that are usually very high in carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and loaded with calories.

Yet if the airport or station is the second biggest source of unhealthy eating, then what is the first? Without doubt, it is on the airplane itself.

In the past, the criticism levied against airline food was its sheer tastelessness and lack of variety. Yet as the overall awareness of nutrition and lack of nutrition in some food sources has grown over the past decade, a related distress has grown over the nutritionally flawed food that most business travelers are subjected to while en route.

Indeed, according to a study by the American weight-loss program organization Nutricise[ii], the average meal served by airlines in all service classes tops 1000 calories. This high number for a single meal is more than half the daily total number of calories for average eaters. Yet this problem goes beyond calorie counting. Almost 45% of the 1000+ calories in an airline meal come from fat which is a full 15% more than some experts recommend as the 30% optimum daily fat-from-calorie level[iii].

In response to this challenge, some airlines are offering more eating options for business travelers, including vegetarian and vegan meals that are typically (though not always) lower in saturated fat, calories, and sodium. However, a 2003 study[iv] by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) regrettably noted that of the 10 airlines surveyed, only 1 of the 10 was observed to provide easily available healthy eating choices. 3 of the 10 airlines offered some degree of healthy eating options, though planning ahead was necessary -- something that is not always feasible for business travelers. The remaining 6 airlines surveyed were criticized for providing little or no effort at offering vegetarian (i.e. low-fat, low sodium, low calorie) in-flight eating options.

On top of this, business travelers are faced with yet another eating challenge that those not in the air are not forced to address. Whereas most people on the ground can physically leave a restaurant or deliberately choose to purchase food that conforms to a healthy eating regimen, those in the air are often forced to accept what they are given. Most business travelers are typically short of time and running from meetings to airports and back again. Therefore, the decision to eat the high-fat, high-calorie, high-sodium, and altogether unbalanced airline meal is often better than the alternative of not eating at all.

While some awareness is creeping into the world of business traveler nutrition, thanks in part to the work of the PCRM and others, this awareness is not spreading quickly enough. Business travel in the US comprises over 200 million person-trips per year[v] and this means that a lot unhealthy meals are awaiting a lot of business travelers who, quite frankly, need more nutritious food.

There have been some attempts to respond to this massive business traveler need, including a halfhearted effort by most airlines to revise menus. There have also been several nutritional supplement options, typically in fluid or bar form, that have proposed to help fill this business traveler nutritional gap.

Unfortunately, like the revised airline meal effort, the vast majority of these supplements fall short of providing a high-protein, low-calorie, low-carbohydrate nutrition that travelers need. Furthermore, the handful of products that have in some sense met these protein, calorie, and carbohydrate requirements are usually devoid of essential nutrients.

However, a small number of nutritionally wise products are generating positive feedback from business travelers, both for nutritional value content, and for traveler-friendly fluid containers that can take a great deal of airport bag handler abuse. Furthermore, since these products are liquid, they can be ingested easily without needing to be diluted, mixed, or taken with large amounts of water or other fluid.

Taken as either a supplement or a meal on its own, these intelligent and scientifically validated nutritional products which offer a complete range of essential vitamins help business travelers stay healthy in ways that fit into their busy, time-conscious lives.

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at


[i] Source Tips for Eating Healthy Away from Home. BetterHeathUSA.

[ii] Source: Healthy Eating on the Road. Business Traveler Center Magazine.

[iii] Source: Fat Lowering Tips. Ask The Dietician.

[iv] Source Doctors Rate Airline Food for Healthy Options. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

[v] Source: Travel Statistics and Trends. The Travel Industry Association of America.

Copyright - Protica Research -

About the author:

About Protica

Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm with offices in Lafayette Hill and Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Protica manufactures capsulized foods, including Profect, a compact, hypoallergenic, ready-to-drink protein beverage containing zero carbohydrates and zero fat. Information on Protica is available at

You can also learn about Profect at
