Sunday, April 6, 2008

Holistic Remedy discussion

Organic Lucuma PowderCACAOOOOOO!!!!!

Sun, 17 Feb 2008 13:22:00 EDT
... make delicious chocolate shakes and smoothies; grind into a powder and add to tea, coffee and other drinks; ... Excellent with: lucuma, vanilla beans, agave nectar, yacon syrup, coconut oil....

Autumn Yummies

Sat, 20 Oct 2007 22:04:57 EDT
(Sure were no organics in my neck of the woods back then!) I can still remember the day I tasted a raw organic carrot for the first time. I haven't looked back since....

Our thoughts on Organic Lucuma PowderOliva Pure Olive Oil Soap 125g

American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities(AAAASF)
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Oliva Pure Olive Oil Soap 125g

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Make a list for yourself of all the reasons and benefits that you are dieting, this list should be printed out and stuck around the house where you can clearly see it in those times that motivation is lacking. When on a diet everyone will have bad days and these are the times when you need to bring back your focus and instead of worrying about the bad think if all the good and what you have achieved so far. If you do stray then don�t beat yourself up too much but instead get right back on track.
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