Monday, January 26, 2009

Not just A blog about Healthy Lifestyles

Reviews of Healthy LifestylesAllergies

4. Meals! Start eating a well balanced breakfast as well as a well balanced lunch. Try to keep your dinners light.

5. Take a Multi-Vitamin! You will have more energy (hopefully to exercise more) and you will get your vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

6. Fruits and Veggies! Load up with FRESH fruits and vegetables at your grocery store and see how fiber cleans out your system! That is a good thing!
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor

The Importance of Alkaline Balance in the Body

In order to function at optimum capacity, the internal body environment must remain as close to neutral as possible. It likes to measure in on the pH scale at 7.39. When the body takes in an excessive amount of acids, as it does so often as a result of making the wrong food choices, this excess must be brought back into balance. The way the body accomplishes this is by bringing the acid and alkaline levels back into balance.
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Tanita Alcohol Sensor

Herbal Tinctures

You ready???
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Herbal Tinctures



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