Monday, April 14, 2008

Recent information on Chinese Goji Berrys

News on Chinese Goji BerrysAnxiety

By shifting the balance of these same eicosanoid enzyme systems, aspirin is also believed to exert its effect as an anticlotting agent in cardiovascular disease. Aspirin is a specific inhibitor (acetylator) of cyclooxygenase which normally is used to convert arachidonic acid into TXA2 and PGE2. Aspirin's inhibition of clot forming TXA2 is several days longer than its effect on anticoagulating and vasodilating PGE2. Thus the net effect is clot inhibition. (Refer to Fig. 19)

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Chinese Goji BerrysGoji Berries: Mother Nature's Vine Grown Vitamins

Sun, 16 Mar 2008 16:52:07 EDT
However, the Chinese Wolfberry is only considered a genetic cousin of Lycium Barbarum and not a true goji berry....The goji berry has been used for hundreds of years as a tonic in Chinese medicine....The term goji berry technically refers to the Tibetan goji berry, also known as Lycium Barbarum (its Latin name). ... Roughly eighty different varieties of lycium berry exist, including the Chinese Wolfberry (often touted by Chinese healers as a cure for male sexual dysfunction)....

Goji Berries: Mother Nature's Vine Grown Vitamins

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:28:30 EDT
However, the Chinese Wolfberry is only considered a genetic cousin of Lycium Barbarum and not a true goji berry....The goji berry has been used for hundreds of years as a tonic in Chinese medicine....The term goji berry technically refers to the Tibetan goji berry, also known as Lycium Barbarum (its Latin name). ... Roughly eighty different varieties of lycium berry exist, including the Chinese Wolfberry (often touted by Chinese healers as a cure for male sexual dysfunction)....

Fast Company - The Superfruits Are Coming

Wed, 01 Nov 2006 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 2006 -- Pomelo (pronounced POM-elo) What it is: Chinese citrus Number of new products worldwide *: 46 How it's marketed: As a yup-scale citrus scent. The...

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