Thursday, December 4, 2008

Stevia Reviews and info

Topics on SteviaCamu-Camu

Emotional issues always accompany change, especially changes in our bodies e.g. natural weight loss. Weight loss affects our perception body image, our sense of identity i.e. who am I?, and how we feel about ourselves in general. Weight loss also effects our social relationships in that there may be people in our family or social contacts that are emotionally invested in our remaining the same i.e. overweight with all that it symbolizes e.g. friendliness, non-threatening, protective, jovial, helpful, etc. Beyond our physical health, it can be said that "size matters" cognitively and emotionally to ourselves and others. Eating and food have come to symbolize being accepted, being cared for and comfort. Having the support of others in our efforts to naturally lose weight and regain our health is a huge advantage.

We have been "conditioned" to fear any kind of loss, including weight loss. Especially if what we may lose is something with which we identify i.e. use to tell us who we are.
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Blood Sugar Balance

One of the most beautiful features of ayurvedic treatment or ayurveda is that it is not merely a therapy or system of medicine. Ayurveda is essentially a holistic approach toward life, health and disease management. Ayurvedic approach includes the judicious use of medicinal herbs, minerals, diet, lifestyle, spirituality and yoga.
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Blood Sugar Balance

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