Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recent information on Fullers Earth

Fullers EarthRevisiting Buckminster Fuller’s ‘Far-Out’ Schemes - Palisadian-Post

Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:06:00 GMT
When Buckminster Fuller died 25 years ago as a resident of Pacific Palisades, he was already a mythical figure in American cultural life, world-renowned for his eccentric designs ...

Kick Oily Skin To The Curb With Some Natural Methods

Wed, 21 Mar 2007 18:02:06 EDT
So many products made for oily skin on the market these days tend to contain, or claim they contain, organic ingredients. A little shea butter here, a sprinkle of lavender there. But what do you do wh...

Kick Oily Skin To The Curb With Some Natural Methods

Wed, 21 Mar 2007 18:02:06 EDT
So many products made for oily skin on the market these days tend to contain, or claim they contain, organic ingredients. A little shea butter here, a sprinkle of lavender there. But what do you do wh...

Andorra, Kandinsky And Cheryl`s Vagina - Football365.com

Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:24:56 GMT

Andorra, Kandinsky And Cheryl`s Vagina
Football365.com, UK - Sep 8, 2008
Ricardo Fuller to present TV show about the planet called Fuller's Earth. Rooney implicated in human-potato hybrid gene scandal. Cheryl Cole's vagina 'just ...



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