Monday, September 29, 2008

Recent information on Enhance Libido

Natural SupplementsLearn About Bee Pollen Propolis

Bee pollen propolis is not usually spoken about enough, as it is a by-product of the famed bee pollen. The bees collect the pollen from the flower blossom to bring back to the hive and offer the colony. The workers in the hive then process this into many different things that you can find in the hive.

One of those amazing things is called bee pollen propolis but it is better known for its nickname of ?bee glue?. It is used inside the hive for keeping the combs and spurs together and also to fix holes in the hive. This ?bee glue? is also used as a disinfectant in the hive as the nurse bees use it to sterilize the hive for the queen when she is about to have larvae.

Bee Pollen Propolis: The Ingredients

Bee pollen Propolis has its own category because of the unbelievable content of them as opposed to any other known product made by another species. Truly remarkable is what bee pollen propolis is when you describe the ingredients as well as note that this product not only has antibacterial properties, it also has antiviral properties and so is often found in many topical cream products as well as shampoos, makeup and of course, supplements. It contains a load of flavonoids, which are essential, and it is good for the skin.

Benefits of Bee Pollen Propolis and Products

Bee pollen propolis and other bee pollen products are the wave of the future. Every day there are more studies being done to prove in the medical and scientific world that bee pollen is not only a necessary supplement, its almost should be mandatory for every living thing to have some.

Our society as a whole does not get the proper nutrition for the body and that leads to the breakdown of healthy cells that are known to be the cause of cancers and other diseases. Sickness develops when the body isn?t being given the required nutrition it deserves.

Bee pollen is known as the perfect food, food of kings, the food of ages ago such in the age of Hippocrates and Pythagoras, who both prescribed bee pollen for many different ailments. There is no other health food on earth that has as many nutrients and vitamins as does bee pollen per ounce not even red meat has the protein that one tiny granule of bee pollen holds.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Laura Hence is one of the editors for a series of nutrition web sites. Check out the recommended Bee supplement guide, for more information on bee pollen.

Reviews of Enhance LibidoCandida

A comparison of the tissues of domestic animals to that of wild animals demonstrates the dramatic nutritional shift which has occurred with domestication and modern farming practices. (Fig. 30) If humans eat factory farmed animals, their tissues will mirror the changes which have occurred in the food animal. Humans, like domestic animals, will also therefore have fatty acid profile discordancy with their preindustrialized ancestors
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