Sunday, September 7, 2008

Raw Diet Reviews and info

Raw DietHow to Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank

To accumulate wealth, one must be alive for a long period of time. Aside from genetic predisposition, most of our current diseases, such as heart disease from elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, dysfunction from high blood pressure (hypertension) and diabetes (high blood sugar), can be avoided by our lifestyle choices, especially nutrition.

Eating healthy without spending a ton of money can be difficult, though. The price of organic foods, such as fresh vegetables and fruits and antibiotic- and steroid-free poultry and beef, are very expensive. So let?s find some money to invest in the ?good stuff.?

Buying a better grade of food is akin to purchasing super premium gasoline for our cars. Yes, it is more expensive, but we know our cars will run better. It?s the same for us. Why should we fill ourselves with lousy fuel, such as fast-food and high-sugar drinks (i.e., soda or cappuccino), when we know our bodies will work better on a higher grade of food such as fruits, vegetables, low-fat chicken, and organic beef?

Unfortunately, there are rarely coupons for healthy food. Ever notice the coupons are all for boxed or canned items? These items are loaded with bad ingredients, from partially hydrogenated oils to significant levels of sodium content.

So where can we find money to eat healthy? One of the best ways to decrease your grocery bill is to make healthy snacks (e.g., your own trail mix of almonds, grain cereal, raisins, and dark chocolate chips) at home and take these snacks to work or school. It is much cheaper to pack and take your lunch every day versus buying lunch. Once in a while is okay because you do not want to be antisocial. But just think about the savings to be gained by packing your lunch. If you go out to eat three times a week and each time costs you at least $6, that is $6 x 3 meals = $18/week. Let?s take $18 x 50 weeks (subtracting assumed vacation days, sick days, holidays) = $900/year. That?s $75 per month you will be able to use toward buying a healthier line of food.

If you have a family, changing the way your significant other and your children eat can be a daunting task. Just make changes a little at a time. You might get some negative remarks from the peanut gallery, but just keep making the changes. Also, the younger you start the kids on the path to eating healthy, the easier it will be. Learn more about healthy eating at

In the long run, small changes over time can lead to a healthier, wealthier, and happier life.

Michael J. Kaye is a chiropractic physician practicing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the American Chiropractic Association, Pennsylvania Chiropractic Association and the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board. He has a sub-specialty in Chiropractic Rehabilitation. He is the director of The Rehab Group of Bucks/Montgomery County-a multidisciplinary clinic with an emphasis on chronic pain and wellness. He is a publisher of two papers on rehabilitation of chronic injuries. In general his clinic promotes nutritional and lifestyle changes for the chronic pain patient.

Dr. Kaye also developed a web site dedicated to Health, Wealth & Happiness. He authored an e-book titled, ?The Living Triad?-a book about building a foundation for a well-lived life. Website-

Reviews of Raw DietSkin Care

Think of inflammation as a double-edged sword: it enables the body's immune system to defend itself against invading pathogens; if not turned off, it becomes the culprit that turns the body's immune system against itself. The aftereffects of this unnatural chronic inflammation is more and more viewed by researchers to be the underlying cause not only of coronary problems, but of diseases like Alzheimer's, cancer and diabetes.

What does this new shift in thinking mean in terms of prevention?
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It's a lot like that with marketing. Before you can implement a marketing strategy that will get you positive attention and attract all the clients you need, you must put work into correcting some bad habits and getting back into shape.

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Raw DietSo, what’s there to eat around here? - Bowling Green Daily News

Sun, 07 Sep 2008 05:10:00 GMT
Limited variety isn’t something we have to worry about in Bowling Green, and haven’t since the town grew to a decent size - even less since outlets started popping up to serve ...

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