Saturday, July 5, 2008

Holistic Healing discussion

Astragalus Root Powder NewsManuka Honey

Nutritional science is so confusing and contradictory that to even begin to adapt a universal set of principles to your lifestyle would be nearly impossible. Nevertheless, there are specific key concepts of a well designed healthy weight loss program that include:

1. Making good food choices can be nutritious, enjoyable and energizing.
2. Dieting not only does not work, but can actually take years off your life.
3. Simple modifications in meal choices can reverse how we age.
4. The program is sensible and easy to maintain even when dining out.
5. Losing weight and body fat is achievable & sustainable without drastic alterations or limitations in your lifestyle.
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Manuka Honey

Flaxseed - Oil | Golden | Brown

Varying your exercise routine can help slow down the aging process. By changing routines you avoid boredom, and most importantly the danger of injury caused by overusing a particular muscle, bone, or joint.
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Flaxseed - Oil | Golden | Brown

Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

Because you have to eat several times every day. So if the only way to keep the weight off is a diet that seems as torturous as a trip to the dentist, is it any surprise most of us fail repeatedly?
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Organic Fresh Grown Wheatgrass

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