Friday, March 21, 2008

Not just A blog about Cola Nuts

Topics on Cola NutsMultifloral Bee Pollen

In addition, the loss of the shade trees has had a direct impact on migratory song birds. While an obvious connection may not immediately come to mind, the relationship has actually been symbiotic. These birds used the shade trees as their habitat as they migrated, and as a result they provided a natural defense against many of the bugs and pests that can ruin a coffee crop. Without them, pesticides must be used to do the job.

Unlike the large, commercial coffee plantations, organic coffees are generally grown on small farms with plenty of shade cover. There are plenty of migratory birds to control insects, and pesticides are unnecessary. In fact, the United States requires that organic coffees be grown on shaded land and be completely chemical free for three consecutive years.
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Multifloral Bee Pollen

Cola NutsToumani Diabate goes back to his roots with Mande Variations

Fri, 22 Feb 2008 00:00:00 CST
And the first thing is that you must pay your teacher ten cola nuts, the old money of Mali, before the lesson starts. Do you have any cola nuts? ...

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